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Astonishing X-Men Ghost Box HC

Артикул 230323-019
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750 грн
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Видавництво Marvel
Рік 2009
Сценарій Воррен Елліс
Арт Adi Granov, Alan Davis, Clayton Crain, Kaare Andrews, Simone Bianchi
Сторінок 184
Ціна на обкладинці $29.99
Персонажі Люди Ікс
Жанр Superhero
Мова Англійська
Палітурка Тверда обкладинка
Поширити у соцмережах

Collects Astonishing X-Men (2004- 3rd Series) #25-30 and Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes (2008) #1-2. The superstar team of Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi take the X-Men to the "Second Stage." The X-Men are back to business -- with a new look, a new base of operations, and a mystery to solve that will take them into previously uncharted territory and test them to their core. It all starts on a spaceship hovering 300 hundred feet above the twisted wreckage of Chaparanga Beach. Its sole inhabitant: the mysterious Subject X. Five minutes - just five minutes is all he needs, all he's asking for. Can the X-Men afford to give it to him? Plus, artists Adi Granov, Alan Davis, Clayton Crain and Kaare Andrews join Ellis as they delve into the real consequences of this mysterious object in GHOST BOXES.

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